Jim, a recent client, reminded me today that many of you would appreciate some input on doing Roth conversions; especially in the ‘dynamic’ political and economic state that exists.
The House of Representatives just passed the SECURE Act. There are several elements of the Act, but one that is getting a lot of visibility is that it ‘helps retirees secure retirement’...
I’ve written a lot about the bitter-sweet of accumulating large amounts in your 401k or IRA account. The single biggest challenge I dealt with regarding my retiring and retired clients is...
There are very few activities that give my wife and I more of a thrill than heading out to the open road with our big RV. We have always been pretty spontaneous travelers but find that there are a...
The tax act passed last year set in motion a fantastic opportunity for American savers to greatly reduce the income taxes that are owed in the future. The amount of income taxes you’ll pay on...
Think you’re ready to retire? Hopefully, you’ve figured out what you want to ‘do’ when you grow up. If retirement is simply an escape from your work, you may be setting...
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